Exclusive Complimentary Blueprint For LeadingAge
Identify inefficiencies and vulnerabilities that cost you time and money with our CyberScore Assessment and Report, complimentary for LeadingAge attendees
Cosaint Technologies has specialized in the unique needs of senior living facilities for over 20 years, representing hundreds of leading West and Central Florida organizations that count on predictable, affordable, and reliable technology performance.
Are You Settling For Less Than You Should?
Many growing ALFs eventually reach a crossroads when it comes to their IT services. Problems begin to crop up more and more frequently as the number of residents under care grows. Your current IT team might not have the knowledge, expertise, or size to keep up with your evolving needs.
When it comes time to discuss your IT budget, you may be reluctant to spend more, even if you feel you should. That’s because your current team is unable to clearly explain how various technology investments can become a clear net gain to your organization's operational bottom line.
At Cosaint Senior Living, we know that it doesn’t need to be this way. It’s possible to build a strong, responsive network that works for and grows with your organization, all without spending outrageous amounts of money.
Our team is made up of certified technicians with decades of experience working on technology for ALFs. Not only do we understand technology, we understand how it applies to the unique needs of ALFs from the inside out.
That means we can help you utilize your IT budget on the RIGHT technologies that secure your network, provide responsive service for your residents, and help you grow your organization instead of getting in the way of it.
Over the years, our infrastructure had aged rapidly and we struggled to keep up with the demands of new technologies our residents and staff had come to rely on.
We needed to fully assess our needs with a reputable vendor and have them help us design a comprehensive solution instead of a band-aid fix.
We chose the Cosaint Technologies platform for EAC’s infrastructure refresh with a fully managed access control, camera system, cybersecurity, voice, and robust IT network.
As a result of this investment, we saved over $1 million dollars of capital expense over a three year period.
Brian Robare
CEO and Executive Director
The Estates At Carpenters Senior Living
Infrastructure Refresh Completed January 2022
“Our 400+ resident facility opened in 1984. Over the years, our infrastructure had aged rapidly and struggled to keep up with the demands of all of the new technologies our residents and staff had come to rely on. We needed to fully assess our needs with a reputable vendor and have them help us design a comprehensive solution instead of a band-aid fix,” said Brian Robare, CEO of EAC.
Our Distinctives
20+ Years
In Business
22,000+ Devices
Under Active Management
7+ Years
Average Employee Tenure
14 Seconds
Median Support Response Time
18 Minutes
Average Ticket Resolution
83% First Call
Inquiry Remedy
Schedule Your
Small Inefficiencies Add Up To BIG Costs
If we could prove that your organization is losing thousands,
and is at risk of hard losses that could total in the millions,
wouldn't you want to know about it?
Why does this happen?
Having worked for over 20 years with Florida businesses, we've identified three key reasons this continues to happen:
Cybersecurity and compliance catastrophes
With more automated tools than ever, attacks against small businesses are up 67% year over year. When the inevitable happens, the losses add up fast. There's an instant hit to your organization's productivity, then a massive cost to restore backups (assuming they were protected), and finally a huge infrastructure cost to fix the inherent vulnerabilities themselves.
Our CyberScore is designed to uncover areas you may be exposed to proactively prevent catastrophe.
Persistent IT and phone system problems
Employees are regularly spending inefficient time fixing IT problems, restarting computers, and trying to figure out why customers can't hear them clearly on the phone. They spend money paying people for things that don't increase your cash flow, resulting in mistakes, missed deadlines, and costly overtime.
Businesses are often surprised how much this affects their bottom line. CyberScore will show you where to plug those productivity gaps to maximize production.
Lack of cost-effective technology planning
Many businesses rely on a patchwork of technology that is aging, incompatible, or simply poorly implemented. Even just 5 minutes per day dealing working around these issues in a 10 person company results in over 104,000 minutes per year of unnecessary time spent dealing with obsolete tech.
CyberScore will help you save money where you can and instead spend it where it matters most - areas that help your organization's bottom line.
Cosaint Specializes in
Cost & Risk Mitigation
For over 20 years, Florida businesses have trusted Cosaint Technologies to reduce costs and improve productivity. Curious how it works?
Set a 45 minute, no cost, no sales pressure CyberScore appointment with one of our engineers to discover where you could be saving time, money, and headache.
There are only two possible results from this 45 minute investment of your time:
You get a plan to implement yourself
You'll love and possibly be shocked by what we uncover, but decide to implement our suggestions on your own. If that's the case, we'll wish you the best of luck and hope you'll keep us in mind for future projects.
You opt for some expert assistance
You'll love the plan but may not have the time, resources, or expertise to put it all in action. Fortunately, that's our expertise for over 20 years and we would be honored to help. You'll become not just a client, you'll become family.
Not Ready to Talk Just Yet?
If so, we would at least like to mail you a complimentary copy of our CSO's new book for 2022, UNSECURED.
Even if you aren’t ready to make a change right now, this book will give you important considerations every community needs to make sure that their policies, procedures and service standards won’t leave you vulnerable to expensive problems, lost data, viruses, and hacker attacks in the age of pandemic cybercrime.
*100% free, shipping & handling included*
"In my decades as the Section Chief for the US Special Operations Command's Cybersecurity division, I have never seen such an unprecedented projected surge in cybercrime as we are now experiencing. Whether you hire a firm or install these hardware and software defenses yourself, it is now critical that you implement the tools in this guide to protect communities from grave financial and legal consequences."
Joseph Long - CISSP, CAP, CISA